Local Area Nets

In the OARC area there are several nets conducted on a regular basis. Please feel free to "check-in" any time. Additionally, other club information in the Northern Utah area is also available.


Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 PM Mountain Time
Mt Ogden 70 cm repeater 448.600 MHz (- Offset, 123.0 PL Tone)
New, Intermediate & Old Timers. Elmering, Education, General Ham Discussion and Rag Chew
New hams encouraged to check in. Get connected, learn new things and ask questions
Questions & Net Control: Larry Griffin AD7GL, ad7gl@arrl.net
                                                Stan Sjol W0KP, stansjol@xmission.com
Kenny Pronschinske (KI7UFN), kennypron@hotmail.com
                     Bryce Draper (KI7YZU),


OARC 10 Meter Net

Thursday Evenings at 0130 UTC (6:30 PM MT)
10 Meters HF - 28.375 MHz SSB (USB)
Purpose is to promote activity on the 10 meter band (especially during low sunspot activity).
To give technician class operators an opportunity to operate phone, and to provide a venue for conversation and experimentation with antenna and ground wave propagation.
Questions and Net Control: Mike Fullmer KZ7O,


OARC YL (Ladies Only) Net

Monday Evening (19:00) 7:00 PM MT
70 cm Repeater - 448.600 MHz (neg offset, PL=123)
Purpose is to promote the "YL" lady operators an opportunity to mingle together
(without men operators botherinbg them - Hi Hi).
Questions & Net Control: Teresa Haymaker N4MBA, n4mba@lthome.com




NOTE: GMRS Repeaters and Nets in the Ogden area.

OARC Area Nets

Daily 12:30 pm mt Utah Beehive Net 7.272 Mhz LSB HF net
Daily 07:30 pm mt Utah Code Net 3.570 Mhz CW HF CW net
Daily 02:00 UTC
19:00 mst: 20:00 mdt
Utah Farm Net 3.937 Mhz LSB HF net
Sun 08:45 am Ogden Old Timers Net 7.193 Mhz LSB HF net
Sun 07:15 pm Weber/Davis ERC 146.820 -123.0 ERC Training net
Sun 07:30 pm GS ARC 145.430 -123.0 Training net
Sun 08:30 pm Antelope 147.480 simplex 149.950 -123
Sun 08:30 pm SATERN Net 146.900 -123.0  
Sun 09:00 pm Morgan Co Net 147.100 +123.0 Morgan net
Sun 09:00 pm UARC Info Net 146.620 -none Info net
Mon 07:00 pm Ogden ARC YL Net 448.600 -123.0 "YL" Lady Hams only
Mon 08:00 pm 2-meter SSB Net 144.250 USB 2-meter SSB Net
Mon 08:00 pm Jackson Hole Net 146.760 - (no tones)  
Tue 06:30 pm Ogden ARC 448.600 -123.0 OARC Ham & Egg Net
Tue 08:00 pm Weber Co ARES 448.600 -123.0  
Tue 08:00 pm DCARC TECH Net 147.040 +123.0 New Hams
Tue 08:00 pm (3rd Tuesday) DCARC YL Net 147.040 +123.0 "YL" Lady Hams only
Tue 08:00 pm Utah VHFS Swap Net 147.120 +100.0  
Tue 09:00 pm BARC 147.260 +103.5  
Wed 06:00 pm Utah Digital Net DMR 31490  
Wed 07:00 pm Am-Con Northern Utah 448.600 -123.0 70 cm net
Wed 08:00 pm GS ARC 145.430 -123.0  
Wed 08:30 pm CSERG 145.770 simplex except last Wednesday (see other clubs)
Wed 09:00 pm No Utah 10m Net 28.313 Mhz USB HF net
Wed 09:00 pm 6-meter SSB Net 50.125 Mhz USB 6-meter SSB net
Thu 06:30 pm Ogden ARC 28.375 MHz USB OARC 10 Meter Net
Thu 07:30 pm Davis Co ARES 147.420 simplex 449.925 -100 and 449.950 -123
Thu 08:00 pm Ogden ARC 448.600 -123.0 OARC CW Net - SUSPENDED
Thu 08:00 pm WSU ARC 146.820 -123.0 Coming soon
Thu 08:00 pm State RACES/VHF/IRPL 145.490 -123.0 3rd Thu even months
Thu 09:00 pm Wasatch Back Net 147.360 +100.0 Summit Co ARC
Sat 08:00 am State HF RACES 3.920 Mhz LSB HF net 3rd Sat odd months
Sat 11:00 am QCWA Net 7.272 Mhz LSB HF net

Updated 03 May 2022