Local Area Repeaters

OARC repeaters are open for your use. If you use the repeaters on a regular basis you should consider becoming a dues paying member of the club. Additionally, other club information in the Northern Utah area is also available.

NOTE: GMRS Repeaters and Nets in the Ogden area.

Mt Ogden Repeater Update

The 146.90 repeater, on Mt Ogden, now uses a DCS squelch of 125.
In order to use this repeater, it will be necessary to reprogram your radio.
You will notice a few things about it use. You cannot kerchunk this repeater. It will come up, but you will not hear it. The squelch tail at the end of your transmission is gone.
When someone talks on the repeater, the moment they let go of the mic button, the signal goes away on your radio. Instead of the noise, it will just sound silent.
If you look at your S meter on your radio, you see that there is still a signal there for a moment, but you will not hear it.
Also, as long as you do not have tone squelch turned on, on your radio, you can still hear the repeater, but you will just not be able talk to it until you reprogram it.

New to the Mt Ogden Repeater is WIRESX function. Refer to the "WiresX" footnote (**) below for operational instructions to "Connect" with and "Disconnect" from WiresX.

Mike Fullmer, KZ7O  Scott Willis, KD7EKO                                                   




OARC Club Repeaters ... MAP

OARC Repeater Site ... Photos

Windy weather at the Mt Ogden repeater site     Another bad winter on Mt Ogden

Repeater Etiquette

OARC Repeaters

448.600 (- offset) Yaesu Fusion digital/FM compatible PL 123.0 Mount Ogden Peak Operational - Club activity "talk-in"
146.900 (- offset) Yaesu Fusion digital/FM compatible DCS 125 Mount Ogden Peak Operational - w/ WIRESX *
448.575 (- offset) PL 100.0 Marriott-Slaterville UT Operational - autopatch discontinued
146.820 (- offset) Yaesu Fusion digital/FM compatible PL 123.0 Marriott-Slaterville UT Operational
145.470 (-offset) PL 123.0 Powder Mountain Weber County Sheriff Office - Operational
447.775 (-offset) PL 123.0 Powder Mountain Weber County Sheriff Office - Operational
145.490 (- offset) PL 100.0 Promontory Point K7JL - Operational
146.920 (- offset) PL 123.0 Promontory Point Weber County Sheriff Office - Operational
448.775 (- offset) PL 123.0 Promontory Point Weber County Sheriff Office - Operational

Other Local Area Repeaters

NOTE: GMRS Repeaters and Nets in the Ogden area.

145.250 (- offset) PL 123.0 Weber State Univ WSC
145.290 (- offset) PL 123.0 Brigham City GSARC
145.330 (- offset) PL 100.0 BYU (Provo) BYUarc
145.430 (- offset) PL 123.0 Brigham City GSARC
146.620 (- offset) PL none Farnsworth Peak UARC
146.640 (- offset) PL none Logan BARC
146.720 (- offset) PL 103.5 Mount Logan BARC
146.760 (- offset) PL none Lake Mountain UARC
146.780 (- offset) PL 100.0  Lake Mountain UVARC
147.040 (+offset) PL 123.0 Antelope Island DCARC
147.100 (+ offset) PL 123.0 Morgan County KB7ZCL
147.120 (+ offset) PL 100.0 Farnsworth Peak UARC
147.220 (+ offset) PL 123.0 Brigham City GSARC
147.260 (+ offset) PL 103.5 Promontory Point BARC
147.360 (+ offset) PL 100.0 Lewis Peak Summit Co ARC
447.200 (- offset) PL 127.3 Antelope Island DCARC
447.225 (-offset) PL 100.0 Malad Idaho Malad Repeter
448.300 (- offset) PL 123.0 Brigham City GSARC
448.825 (- offset) PL 123.0 Clearfield City IRLP Node 4654 w/EchoLink access
449.100 (- offset) PL 146.2 Farnsworth Peak UARC
449.250 (- offset) PL 123.0 Weber State Univ WSC
449.425(- offset) PL 100.0 Nelson Peak IRLP - Western Reflector
449.500 (- offset) PL 100.0 Farnsworth Peak UARC
449.625 (- offset) PL 103.5 Mount Logan BARC
449.925 (- offset) PL 100.0 North Salt Lake DCARC
449.950(- offset) PL 123.0 Clearfield City IRLP Node 3876
ATV - WB7FID Cable TV Channel 58 Farnsworth Peak UARC - Utah ATV Home Page

Repeater Information

Updated 20 December 2023