Welcome to the OARC Newsletter For May 2004

Ogden Amature Radio Club provides communication for the walkathon on April 17th 2004 - From left to right front row -  Jim Clarke, Kevin Flanagan,  Elias Salazar. Second row left to right - Charles Horn, Christopher D. Smith, Gary R Liptrot. Almost wasted away - Jim and Kevin were replenishing their nutritional needs with the great food served at the Lorin Farr park after the event. Both Jim and Kevin provided communications from their bicycles along the Ogden park walkway

Jim (KD7SWL) and Kevin (KB7MAD) both rode their bikes while providing communication for Saturday’s Walkathon event. This provided unparalleled flexibility for communication since they could be at any point on the trail within minutes. This flexibility helped in the rescue of a walker who had trouble during the event. The unnamed walker needed assistance since her condition due to a medical problem didn’t allow for her to walk the entire distance. A golf cart was arranged to pick her up and return her to the staging area. Thanks go out to Jim and Kevin.

Items of Business

Several items were discussed at the Ogden Amateur Radio Club meeting on Saturday April 17th. Although they were not discussed in detail they were mentioned and are listed here in no particular order:

  • Door Prizes – All attending the meeting were reminded to sign up for door prizes, which were awarded through out the meeting by Charles Horn.
  • Web page: A new web page has been set up with the URL of http://www.ogdenarc.org/ which will link to the club’s web hosting service.
  • Phone patch: Several members are anxious to be able to use a patch to phone yet to be installed on a repeater yet to be determined.
  • Mailed newsletter: Charles went into some detail as to how the Watt newsletter will be presented in the future. He indicated that the cost for mailing the newsletter is in the neighborhood of approximately sixty dollars per month. This is quite high in comparison to the cost of hosting the newsletter on the server which is in the neighborhood of about five or six dollars per month – A savings of about ten times the cost of mailing the newsletter. Charles asked the group if anyone would like the newsletter mailed – No one volunteered or commented that they would prefer the newsletter to be mailed. Charles indicated that if anyone wants to continue a mailed subscription to the Watt newsletter that they could prepay the postage and the newsletter would be mailed to them. It was brought up that several requests have been taken for additional functionality to be added to the repeater system such as phone patch and IRLP access and there was a mention that quite possibly some of the savings from hosting the newsletter rather than paying for postage may be applied to these services.
  • Advertising: Charles will explore advertising on the club web site to help generate income for repeater services such as those mentioned above.
  • By-Laws have been amended – See the email sent out by Charles Horn previously or contact Charles Horn for a copy.
  • Don’t forget Field day at Rohmer Park – It will prove to be a fun time. Remember to bring mosquito repellent. Mary Hazard reminded everyone that this is the second year of the West Nile virus in Utah and that the mean age of infection is fifty-one years of age. She also indicated that it’s a serious disease that can lead to encephalitis and to be sure to use a repellent that contains “Deet” – One club member indicated that deet is a carcinogen.
  • The digi-peater on the “Nine-O” is waiting for parts. Members of the repeater committee are concerned about power capability since the site is 100% solar powered. There was a mention that more solar cells will be added.

Upcomming Events for 2004

May 15  training  - 10:30
May 22  Ogden Marathon
June 19 Training - 10:30
June 22 Field Day

July 17 training -10:30
Aug 14 Ham Fest
Aug 21 Bar-B-Que

Charles Horn and Roger Anderson - Roger displays his door-prize from Saturdays meeting

Kim Owen (KO7U) asks Mike Fullmer (KZ7O)a question at Saturdays meeting. The meeting took place during the Walkathon. The club was split between the two events. Mike put on a great presentation and discussion about antenna theory. Several examples of Mike’s antenna collection were on display while he explained the advantages and disadvantages of each type. The presentation lasted about an hour. Kim who has access to the test site at Little Mountain explained several topics such as the need for an anechoic chamber for testing antennas.


The Ogden Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a Technician Class training on Thursday May 13th , 2004 and will run for six to eight weeks. The class will be held at Weber State University in building 4, room 417 at 5:30 PM until 7:30 PM. There is no cost for the class and a $29.00 study guide is optional but  recommended.

Mary Hazard (W7UE) is the coordinator – For questions please contact Mary by phone or email. Phone: 876-3905 or 430-0306. Email: W7SU@arrl.net.


June Meeting:

The June meeting of the Ogden Amateur Radio Club has been moved from the
third Saturday to the fourth Saturday to coincide with Field Day.  Meeting
will begin at 4:30PM at Rohmer Park, 5075 S 600W, Washington Terrace.   Be there to help setup at 7AM on Saturday morning  - Sal's famous B BQ will follow the meeting.  Chicken will be provided by the club. Please bring a dish to pass.



The Earth Quake Lady -  Presented by Charles Horn KD7SST. Marlin Hoff dubbed “The earthquake lady” by elementary school age children – Because her presentation is about earthquakes and emergency preparedness. The Earth Quake Lady may be available to give a presentation to OARC as an upcoming event.

If we decide to have her come and speak at the club meeting, we may want to schedule our club meeting around The Earth Quake Lady’s schedule. Charles indicated that she brings with her enough teaching material that “it fills up her mini-van”. Be prepared to discuss this item at the next club meeting.


Rohmer Park in Washington Terrace has been reserved – OARC has paid the fee for the park for the June meeting. This reserves the park for our use. According to Charles Horn, “It’s a great park. It overlooks Riverdale from the bluff just above”.